Journal information
- General
"Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso" (CAOSP)
is published by the Astronomical Institute of the
Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS). The journal publishes new results
of astronomical and astrophysical research, preferentially covering
the fields of Interplanetary Matter, Stellar Astrophysics, and Solar Physics.
We publish regular papers, expert comments and review contributions.
All manuscripts are sent to referees. There are no page charges.
Access to all the online published papers is open.
Publishing of the journal is in part supported by the SAS.
- Rules
Submission of a manuscript implies that it presents original research
which has not been published before and is not being considered for
publication elsewhere. Papers must be written in English.
The papers submitted are subject to an anonymous referee process.
To shorten the process, the corresponding author(s) may propose possible
reviewers, including their affiliations and e-mail addresses.
- Free rapid online publication
The usual time from receiving the manuscript to its acceptance is 2-5
weeks, depending on how the editor-referee-author's communication
is progressing. For both, authors and readers, our editorial process
is free, fair, and fast.
Accepted manuscripts are assigned final numbers (year, volume,
issue, and pages) within a few days after the language and technical
proof sheets. In this way, they are published online
on the CAOSP website, with open access.
When a particular issue is completed, all papers become available at the
NASA-ADS portal, and the paper
DOI assignment becomes functional.
Authors are encouraged to disseminate their papers using
the arXiv archive.
- Contact