CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 55, No.: 2, year: 2025
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Arnaut, F.; Kolarski, A.; Srećković, V.A.; Langović, M.; Jevremović, S.
Title: Standardization framework of ionospheric Very Low Frequency (VLF) signal amplitude classes for machine learning-based anomaly detection: from calm ionospheric conditions to solar activity-induced dynamics
pages: 13 -- 23
Author(s): Borka~Jovanović, V.; Borka, D.; Jovanović, P.
Title: The baryonic Tully-Fisher relation and Fundamental Plane in the light of f(R) gravity
pages: 24 -- 33
Author(s): Dimitrijević, M.S.; Christova, M.D.; Sahal-Bréchot, S.
Title: On the Stark broadening of N II spectral lines
pages: 34 -- 53
Author(s): Rabasović, M.S.; Predojević, B.; Šević, D.; Marinković, B.P.
Title: Electron energy loss spectra of magnesium in autoionization region
pages: 54 -- 61
Author(s): Sakan, N.M.; Srećković, V.A.; Simić, Z.; Dechev, M.
Title: Modeling optical processes in dense astrophysical and laboratory plasmas: dipole moment and pseudo potential
pages: 62 -- 68
Author(s): Simić, Z.; Dimitrijević, M.S.; Sakan, N.
Title: Stark broadening parameters for 6s 4F - 6p 4(D, F, G)o supermultiplet of singly ionized Hafnium
pages: 69 -- 80
Author(s): Srećković, V.A.; Marinković, B.P.; Ignjatović, Lj.M.; Vujčić, V.
Title: MolD, EMol and ACol atomic and molecular databases for astrophysics: current stage and new directions of development
pages: 81 -- 87
Author(s): Srećković, V.A.; Kolarski, A.; Langović, M.; Arnaut, F.; Jevremović, S.; Mijić, Z.R.
Title: The strongest solar flares of Solar Cycle 25 and their subionospheric impact: data and modeling
pages: 88 -- 94
Author(s): Vujčić, V.; Srećković, V.A.; Babarogić, S.; Aleksić, J.
Title: An overview of astronomical transient brokers in Rubin era
pages: 95 -- 105
Author(s): Veselinović, N.; Savić, M.; Maričić, D.; Šterc, F.; Banjanac, R.; Joković, D.; Dragić, A.
Title: Some features in the time series of energetic protons measured at L1 during November 2001
pages: 106 -- 113
Author(s): Dimitrijević, M.S.; Iacob, F.; Sahal-Bréchot, S.
Title: On the Stark broadening of O I spectral lines: comparison with experiments
pages: 114 -- 121