CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 50, No.: 1, year: 2020

Abstract: This work examines time-resolved spectroscopy of the Balmer series lines in laboratory settings and applies results for interpretation of spectra from astrophysical objects. White dwarf stars reveal a variety of atomic or molecular line shapes in absorption depending on the age of these cooling stars. Laboratory investigations show emission profiles that are correlated with astrophysical records. For the hydrogen beta line, Hβ, and the hydrogen delta line, Hδ, of the Balmer series, line width and peak separation are indicators of electron density. In addition, widths of the hydrogen alpha line, Hα, and hydrogen gamma line, Hγ, can be utilized along with Hα shifts and Hβ dipshifts. Of interest are experiments and analysis of laser- and astrophysical white-dwarf- plasma spectral line shapes, especially comparisons of transient laser-plasma- with gravitational white-dwarf- redshifts. Current and future research aspects include modeling of white-dwarf atmospheres for explanation of the very details of the astrophysical line shapes.

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