CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 50, No.: 1, year: 2020
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Parigger, C.G.
Title: Laser-plasma and stellar astrophysics spectroscopy
pages: 15 -- 31
Author(s): van Hoof, P.A.M.; Van de Steene, G.C.; Guzmán, F.; Dehghanian, M.; Chatzikos, M.; Ferland, G.J.
Title: Current and future development of the photoionization code Cloudy
pages: 32 -- 43
Author(s): Jevremović, D.; Srećković, V.A.; Marinković, B.P.; Vujčić, V.
Title: Databases for collisional and radiative processes in small molecules needed for spectroscopy use in astrophysics
pages: 44 -- 54
Author(s): Srećković, V.A.; Ignjatović, Lj.M.; Dimitrijević, M.S.; Bezuglov, N.N.; Klyucharev, A.N.
Title: The collisional atomic processes in geo-cosmical plasmas: data needed for spectroscopy
pages: 55 -- 65
Author(s): Dimitrijević, M.S.; Srećković, V.A.; Alaa Abo Zalam; Miculis, K.; Efimov, D.K.; Bezuglov, N.N.; Klyucharev, A.N.
Title: Autoionization widths of cold Rydberg atomic complexes
pages: 66 -- 85
Author(s): Alwadie, N.; Almodlej, A.; Ben Nessib, N.; Dimitrijević, M.S.
Title: Atomic structure of the carbon like ion Ca XV
pages: 86 -- 95
Author(s): Murmantsev, A.; Veklich, A.; Boretskij, V.; Lopatko, K.
Title: Hydrogen Balmer spectral lines in spectroscopy of underwater electric spark discharge plasma
pages: 96 -- 104
Author(s): Rosato, J.; Hannachi, I.; Stamm, R.
Title: Hydrogen Stark broadening calculations in white dwarf atmosphere conditions
pages: 105 -- 110
Author(s): Christova, M.; Dimitrijević, M.S.; Sahal-Bréchot, S.
Title: Stark broadening of B I spectral lines within 2s22p - 2s2nd Spectral Series
pages: 111 -- 121
Author(s): Dimitrijević, M.S.
Title: Stark broadening data for spectral lines of rare-earth elements: Example of Tb II and Tb IV
pages: 122 -- 127
Author(s): Hamdi, R.; Ben Nessib, N.; Sahal-Bréchot, S.; Dimitrijević, M.S.
Title: On the semiclassical perturbation Stark shifts of Ar II spectral lines
pages: 128 -- 138
Author(s): Chougule, A.; Przybilla, N.; Dimitrijević, M.S.; Schaffenroth, V.
Title: The impact of improved Stark-broadening widths on the modeling of double-ionized chromium lines in hot stars
pages: 139 -- 146
Author(s): Almodlej, A.; Alwadie, N.; Ben Nessib, N.; Dimitrijević, M.S.
Title: On the Stark broadening of some Cr II spectral lines in plasma
pages: 147 -- 153
Author(s): Aloui, R.; Elabidi, H.; Sahal-Bréchot, S.
Title: Stark broadening and atomic data for Ar XVI
pages: 154 -- 163
Author(s): Majlinger, Z.; Dimitrijević, M.S.; Srećković, V.A.
Title: Regularities and systematic trends on Lu III Stark widths
pages: 164 -- 170
Author(s): Srećković, V.A.; Dimitrijević, M.S.; Ignjatović, Lj.M.
Title: The influence of collisional-ionization and recombination processes on spectral line shapes in stellar atmospheres and in the hydrogen clouds in broad-line region of AGNs
pages: 171 -- 178
Author(s): Dimitrijević, M.S.; Srećković, V.A.; Ignjatović, Lj.M.
Title: Influence of the (n-n')-mixing processes on the optical properties of the hydrogen clouds in the broad-line region of AGNs
pages: 179 -- 186
Author(s): Ignjatović, Lj.M.; Srećković, V.A.; Dimitrijević, M.S.
Title: Photoionization of the alkali molecular ions in geo-cosmical plasmas
pages: 187 -- 192
Author(s): Peach, G.; Yurchenko, S.; Chubb, K.; Baraffe, I.; Phillips, M.; Tremblin, P.
Title: The resonance lines of sodium and potassium in brown dwarf spectra
pages: 193 -- 202
Author(s): Zakharov, A.F.; Jovanović, P.; Borka, D.; Borka Jovanović, V.
Title: Observational tests of general relativity and alternative theories of gravity with Galactic Center observations using current and future large observational facilities
pages: 203 -- 218
Author(s): Jovanović, P.; Borka Jovanović, V.; Borka, D.; Popović, L.Č.
Title: Possible observational signatures of supermassive black hole binaries in their Fe Kα line profiles
pages: 219 -- 234
Author(s): Chmyreva, L.; Beskin, G.
Title: On the possible connection between galactic featureless-spectrum sources and stellar-mass black holes
pages: 235 -- 243
Author(s): Marziani, P.; Bon, E.; Bon, N.; Martinez-Aldama, M.L.; Stirpe, G.M.; D'Onofrio, M.; del Olmo, A.; Negrete, C.A.; Dultzin, D.
Title: Quasar emission lines as virial luminosity estimators
pages: 244 -- 256
Author(s): Dodonov, S.N.; Grokhovskaya, A.
Title: The density maps of the HS47.5-22 field
pages: 257 -- 269
Author(s): Berton, M.; Björklund, I.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Congiu, E.; Järvelä, E.; Terreran, G.; La Mura, G.
Title: Line shapes in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies: a tracer of physical properties?
pages: 270 -- 292
Author(s): Panda, S.; Marziani, P.; Czerny, B.
Title: Main trends of the quasar main sequence - effect of viewing angle
pages: 293 -- 308
Author(s): Kozlova, D.V.; Moiseev, A.V.; Smirnova, A.A.
Title: Extended ionized-gas structures in Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 78
pages: 309 -- 317
Author(s): Ochmann, M.W.; Kollatschny, W.; Zetzl, M.
Title: Spectral changes and BLR kinematics of eruptive changing-look AGN
pages: 318 -- 327
Author(s): Malygin, E.; Uklein, R.; Shablovinskaya, E.; Grokhovskaya, A.; Perepelitsyn, A.
Title: Medium-band photometric reverberation mapping of AGNs at 0.1 < z < 0.8. Techniques and sample
pages: 328 -- 340
Author(s): Shablovinskaya, E.; Afanasiev, V.
Title: Intraday variability of the polarization vector in AGN S5 0716+714
pages: 341 -- 349
Author(s): Jankov, I.; Ilić, D.
Title: Narrow lines correlations in an SDSS sample of type 1 quasars
pages: 350 -- 359
Author(s): Probst, M.A.; Kollatschny, W.
Title: Preliminary Spectral Analysis of the NLS1 Galaxy WPVS48
pages: 360 -- 365