Virtual Observatory (VO) is a general term for a collection of federated resources that can be used to conduct astronomical research, education and outreach. The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) is a global collaboration of separately funded projects to develop standards and infrastructure that enable VO applications. General query form of ADQL is: SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] [ TOP unsigned_decimal ] { * | { value_expression [ [AS] column_name ] }, ... } FROM { { table_name [ [AS] identifier ] | ( SELECT ....) [ [AS] identifier ] | table_name [NATURAL] [ INNER | { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL [OUTER] } ] JOIN table_name [ON search_condition | USING ( column_name,...) ] }, ... } [ WHERE search_condition ] [ GROUP BY group_by_term, ... ] [ HAVING search_condition ] [ ORDER BY { order_by_expression } [ ASC | DESC], ... ] [ OFFSET unsigned_decimal ]