# start header -------------------------------------------------------- # This file describes variability model (VM) used in decorrelations. Correlations are calculated using residuals from a # least-squares fit of the VM to the data. The VM is represented by a finite series of k sinusoids with pre-defined # frequencies. The VM cannot be empty: at least one frequency must be included in the VM. If no real variability is # detected, a spurious frequency of 22/d (in the middle between orbital frequency f_orb ~ 14.5/d and 2*f_orb) is used. # # The syntax of the VM model file is the following: # First line: two integer numbers: the first denotes the number of independent frequencies (N_i), the other, the number of # all sinusoidal terms included in the VM (N_all). # Next N_i lines: values of independent frequencies (in 1/d). The full vector of independent frequencies looks like this: # (f_1, f_2, ..., f_i), i = 1, N_i # Next N_all lines: vectors of integer coefficients, (m_1k, m_2k, ..., m_ik), i = 1,N_i, k = 1,N_all, that need to be # multiplied by the vector of independent frequencies to obtain a given k-th frequency. A k-th frequency is therefore # equal to f_k = (m_1k*f_1 + m_2k*f_2 + ... + m_ik*f_i). # # The VM consists of a sum: m_0 (mean brightness) + N_all terms of the form: A_k*sin(2πf_k + Phi_k), where A_k and Phi_k # stand for the amplitude and the phase of k-th term, respectively. # # Note that VM does not have to include real frequencies (although usually does). For example, in order to account for # long-term non-periodic changes, the VM usually includes a low frequency and its high harmonics. # end header ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 22 1