Dear colleagues,
We are sending you the third and final announcement of the
conference METEOROIDS 1998 being held at Tatranska Lomnica and organized by
the Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences together with IAU
Commission 22. Here you will find information on how to reach the conference
site and other useful details relating to the event.
As noted in the second announcement, the conference will be held in the
Conference Hall of the Hotel ACADEMIA next to the Astronomical Institute SAV
at Stara Lesna (SAV - Slovak Academy of Sciences), which is about 1.5 km
from the Tatranska Lomnica village and about 20 km from the district capital
Poprad. Stara Lesna and Tatranska Lomnica are located at the foot of the
Lomnicky Peak massive in the eastern part of the High Tatras Mountains.
Poprad is in the northern part of Slovakia about 350 km from Bratislava.
Travel information:
For those travelling from Vienna (Wien) the timetable of the buses and trains running to Bratislava is as follows.
Train: Wien (Sudbahnhof) - Bratislava (Main Railway Station - M.R.S.)
Bus: Wien (Mitte, Landstr.) - Wien (Airport) - Bratislava (Bus Station)
Train: Bratislava (M.R.S.) - Poprad / Poprad - Tatranska Lomnica
05:45-09:39 (IC) / 10:58-11:28
09:50-14:41 / 14:56-15:25 (*)
11:50-16:41 / 17:39-18:01
13:50-18:41 / 20:15-20:39
17:34-21:27 (IC) / 21:46-22:11 (*)
(*) change in Studeny Potok Station
Bus: Bratislava (Bus Station) - Tatranska Lomnica
05:50-12:50Bratislava (Bus Station) - Poprad
15:15-21:42IC trains are the most comfortable. The present fare Bratislava-Poprad (344 km) for IC train is 313.- Sk (Slovak Crowns) - 1st class, 232.- Sk - 2nd class and for the other trains it is 267.- Sk and 178.- Sk, respectively. A seat reservation card is 10.- Sk. For the IC train this reservation is included in the price.
*** The present exchange rate is 1 USD = 35 Sk (Slovak Crowns). ***
The best way to reach Bratislava Railway Station (in Slovak: "Hlavna
stanica") from Bratislava Bus Station is to take a city trolly-bus No.210
(about 15 min. drive. Ticket per 8.- Sk has to be bought in advance either
at a newspaper-stand or from slot-machines, which are located at tram or bus
stops but require coins). Trolly-bus 210 is running on Saturdays and Sundays
at about 15 minute intervals. On working days, the trolly-bus is No. 208
instead of 210. Alternatively, you can take a taxi just from the front of the
Bus Station (price should be about 120-150.- Sk).
If you inform us in advance by e-mail about your arrival at Tatranska
Lomnica or Poprad by a bus from Bratislava (the same Bus Station as you arrive
from Vienna), we will meet you and drive you to the registration (Tatranska
Lomnica to the hotel Academia is about 25 min. walk). The Poprad Bus Station
is just next to the Poprad Railway Station.
We will also meet participants at the trains from Bratislava arriving at
Poprad and drive them to the registration. The cars designated "Meteoroids
1998" will wait at the parking place beyond the Poprad railway station in the
front of the hotel Europa and will leave Poprad at: 10:00, 14:00, 17:00 and
21:45 on Sunday (Aug.16) and at 10:00 and 14:00 on Monday (Aug.17).
Alternatively, you can take a taxi direct from the Poprad railway station.
The distance from Poprad to the hotel Academia, where the registration will be
held (by the shortest way) is 17 km and the price should be about 300-350.- Sk.
Participants coming by train from Ukraine arriving to Poprad at 22:16,
please, inform us in advance.
The hotel Academia and the Astronomical Institute SAV are actually located
in the area belonging to the village of Stara Lesna and are within walking
distance from Tatranska Lomnica (15-20 min).
If you arrive by car, the shortest way to reach the hotel Academia is to
drive from Poprad in the direction to Kezmarok and in the village of Velka
Lomnica (after about 10 km drive) turn to left in the direction to Tatranska
Lomnica. Then just beyond the village of Velka Lomnica turn to left to the
village of Stara Lesna (about 4 km) and the conference site is beyond Stara
Lesna in a recreation area were are located more hotels. About 1.5 km beyond
Stara Lesna, on the right hand side you will see the hotel HORIZONT and just
before the hotel turn to the right and on the end of the road (400 m) there
is the hotel ACADEMIA and next to it is the Astronomical Institute SAV.
Registration and accommodation:
Registration will be at the hotel ACADEMIA and starts on Sunday noon
(Aug.16) at 13:00 (see enclosed time schedule). Payment will only be accepted
in Slovak Crowns but there will be an exchange office at the ACADEMIA
operating during the registration period (Sunday: 13-20 on Monday: 08-12).
REGISTRATION FEE is 150 USD for participants and 70 USD for accompanying
persons and students. All who sent their registration forms and wished to
stay at the hotel Academia have their accommodation reserved and the cost
of ACCOMMODATION is as announced in the second announcement. For details see
the second announcement. Those wishing to stay in pensions (prices are 5-8 USD
per bed and night) will be driven to their pension after registration.
Note, the exchange office operating during the registration at ACADEMIA
will not be equipped with facilities for using "cards" (Master, Visa etc.) or
travel checks. The easiest way to pay is in cash; otherwise you have to go to
the bankomat at Tatranska Lomnica (2 km). Information about using the cards
is in the second announcemt. Cards cannot be used for bying train tickets or
at local shops.
Scientific programme:
Also enclosed is the scientific programme of the conference. For the
oral presentation (30 min. - review papers and 15 min. - contributed papers,
included discussion) two overhead projectors and one slide projector will be
available. Poster panels are 100x90 cm. Posters will be displayed for the
whole period of the meeting and please, display your poster according to the
number assigned to you.
According to the enclosed programme, there will be three poster sessions
including a brief oral presentation of the results by the authors for 2 minutes
in the lecture room (maximum 4 overheads) and just after the oral presentation
of all posters of the session,there will be discussion in front of the posters.
The poster presentations are scheduled for three afternoon sessions.
At the registration, each participant will receive the abstract book and
final scientific programme. The proceedings of the conference will be published
by the Astronomical Institute SAV.The SOC expects to receive the final versions
of the papers by the end of September 1998. All the papers will undergo through
a referee procedure.
Detail information how to prepare your papers for the Proceedings will be
provided at the conference. The price of the Proceedings is included in the
registration fee of participants.
Other information:
During the conference there will be computers available for all conference
participants enabling access to e-mail network.
If necessary, you can contact us during the registration by a telefon
(Academia: 0969-467464; Astronomical Institute: 0969-467866) or by a fax
(Academia: 0969-467275; Astronomical Institute: 0969-467656) and on Sunday
there will be some service of the LOC at the Academia reception till midnight.
The hotel reception is operating non-stop.
The telephone automats (cabins) at railway or bus stations are operating
by coins (Sk) or cards which one can buy at tobacco-newspaper stands.
To receive any additional information you need, please contact Anton
Hajduk or Vladimir Porubcan at the address below.
Astronomical Institute SAV
Dubravska 9
84228 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: 421-7-375157
fax: 421-7-375157
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Tatranska Lomnica.
For your information we enclose also the return trains from Poprad to Bratislava and buses/trains from Bratislava to Vienna:
Poprad - Bratislava (train)
06:56 - 10:50 IC
07:35 - 12:19
09:35 - 14:19
11:35 - 16:19
13:35 - 18:19
15:35 - 20:19
18:36 - 22:29 IC
Bratislava - Vienna(Airport) - Vienna (bus)
07:00 - 08:10 - 08:30
08:00 - 09:10 - 09:30
09:00 - 10:10 - 10:30
11:00 - 12:10 - 12:30
16:00 - 17:10 - 17:30
17:30 - 18:40 - 19:00
20:30 - 21:40 - 22:00
Bratislava (Main Railway Station) - Wien (Sudbahnhof) - (train)
06:06 - 07:13
10:36 - 11:43
14:36 - 15:43
18:06 - 19:13
Aug.16 (Sunday):
13:00-22:00 Registration
Aug.17 (Monday):
08:00-14:00 Registration
09:00-10:30 Conference Opening
Session 1
10:30-11:00 Coffee/Tea break
11:00-12:30 Session 2
12:45 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Session 3
16:00-16:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:30-18:00 Poster session 1
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Informal meeting
Aug.18 (Tuesday):
09:00-10:30 Session 4
10:30-11:00 Coffee/Tea break
11:00-12:30 Session 5
12:45 Lunch
14:00-18:30 Visit of the Skalnate Pleso
19:00 Dinner
Aug.19 (Wednesday):
09:00-10:30 Session 6
10:30-11:00 Coffee/Tea break
11:00-12:30 Session 7
12:45 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Session 8
16:00-16:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:30-18:00 Poster session 2
19:00 Dinner
Aug.20 (Thursday):
09:00-10:30 Session 9
10:30-11:00 Coffee/Tea break
11:00-12:30 Session 10
12:45 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Session 11
16:00-16:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:30-18:00 Poster session 3
19:00 Closing Dinner
Aug.21 (Friday):
09:00-10:30 Session 12
10:30-11:00 Coffee/Tea break
11:00-12:00 General discussion
12:00 Conference End
13:30 Bus tour
Conference Openning.
Using the AMOR radar facility to probe the atmosphere - review
(Baggaley J.)
Possible origin of low inclination antapex micrometeors observed
using the Arecibo UHF radar
(Mathews J.D., Meisel D.D., Janches D., Getman V.S. Zhou Q.-H.)
How to find meteoroid flux density from radio forward scattering
(Belkovich O.I., Suleymanova S.L.)
Radar observation results as basis optimal antenna pattern
orientation at short radioline
(Karpov A.V., Naumov A., Reout E.G.)
Fragmentation of meteoroids prior to and during ablation
(Elford, W.G. and Campbell, L.)
The history of meteor studies at Ondrejov Observatory
(Ceplecha Z. and Simek M.)
Meteoroid properties from meteor spectroscopy - review
(Borovicka J.)
Determination of a high density meteoroid on a cometary orbit
(Spurny P., Borovicka J.)
Exact dynamical behaviour of meteoroids in the atmosphere
(Ceplecha Z.)
The light curve, dynamics and spectra of the very bright Benesov bolide:
comparison of theory with observations
(Popova O.P., Borovicka J., Nemtchinov I.V., Spurny P., Golub A.P.,
Ceplecha Z., Kosarev I.B.)
New radar techniques: precision measurements of meteoroid
velocities, decelerations and fragmentation - review
(Elford W.G.)
Meteor height distributions. New look
(Belkovich O.I., Suleymanova S.L., Tokhtasev V.)
Radar observations of the sporadic meteor sources
(Jones J., Hocking W.K.)
Selectivity of radar meteor observation: whether the problem
has been solved?
(Andreev V.V., Belkovich O.I., Suleymanova S.L., Tokhtasev V.)
New radar studies of the velocity distribution within meteor showers
and implications for stream structure
(Badger, D.P. and Elford, W.G.)
The head echo problem - a solution at last? - review
(Jones J., Jones W., Halliday I.)
Three-dimensional meteor head echo Doppler shift measurements from the
1997 Leonid shower with EISCAT radars
(Pellinen-Wannberg A.)
An unusual echo recorded by meteor radar
(Simek M. Pecina P., Pridal P.)
On the ozone concentration in the meteor zone
(Hajduk A., Hajdukova M., Porubcan V., Cevolani G., Ciarlatani M.)
The effect of the Earth's magnetic field on the lifetime of radar meteor
(Elford, W.G. and Bignall, H.E.)
What does the study of meteor streams tell us about
cometary nuclei - review
(Williams I.P.)
Evolution of the Perseid meteoroid stream
(Brown P.)
Results of the classification of meteor streams using new clustering method
(Jopek T., Valsecchi G., Froeschle C.)
Multiple meteoroid orbit clusters found using AMOR
(Baggaley J. and Galligan D.)
A search for diffuse meteor showers in a catalogue using a method
of indices
(Svoren J., Neslusan L.)
Historical meteor showers - review
(Hasegawa I.)
The Ksi Orionid meteor stream
(Lindblad B.A.)
Activity of the Geminids 1988-1997 from visual data
(Rendtel J. and Brown P.)
Geminid meteor stream from radar observations 1958-1997
(Pecina P., Simek M.)
Is there assymetry in the spatial distribution of non-stream
(Baggaley J.)
The Leonid Meteoroid Stream: Recent Observations and Modelling
advances - review
(Brown P.)
Perseids and Leonids from more than 130 years of visual observations
(Belkovich O.I., Ishmukhametova M.G.)
Radio observations of the Leonid meteor shower in the 1995-1997 period
(Cevolani G., Foschini L., Grassi G., Hajduk A., Porubcan V.,
Trivellone G.)
The thin structure of the Geminid meteor shower from radar observations
(Karpov A.V., Stepanov A.M., Kazakov, M.V., Reout E.G.)
Visual observations as a powerful tool for meteoroid stream
structure analysis
(Arlt R.)
Superbolides - review
(Ceplecha Z., Brown P., Spalding R.E., Jacobs C., ReVelle D.O.,
Tagliaferri E.)
About light pulsation of the bright meteors
(Novikov G.G., Greilich A.P.)
Atmospheric plumes created due to meteoroid impacts
(Shuvalov V.)
Some peculiarities of meteor radiation
(Smirnov V.A.)
Light curves of faint Perseid meteors: implications for physical structure
Campbell M., Hawkes R.)
Interplanetary dust and its collisional evolution - review
(Mann I.)
Radiation pressure on porous micrometeoroids in interplanetary space
(Kimura H., Mann I.)
About possibility to build a radar system of meteor flux monitoring
for aimes of the prediction of meteor danger in a space.
(Sidorov V.V., Belkovich O.I. Filimonova T.K.)
Dynamical modelling of the near-solar dust complex
(Krivov A., Mann I., Kimura H.)
Meteor dust particles in the Earth's upper atmosphere and circumterrestrial
space by twilight observations.
(Mateshvili I., Mateshvili G.)
Meteoroids from interstellar space - review
(Hawkes, R.)
Dust particles, dust aggregates, and other interstellar meteoroids
(Kramer Y.)
The interstellar particle component measured by AMOR
(Baggaley J.)
Analysis of in-situ measurements of dust particles
(Wehry A., Mann I.)
Computer experiment of the small bodies dynamics
(Kulikova N.V.)
Meteoroid streams of asteroidal origin - review
(Obrubov Yu.)
Taurid complex asteroids and meteor showers
(Babadzhanov P.)
The orbit of the Orionid meteor stream
(Lindblad B.A., Porubcan V.)
Some remarks to the analytical theory of meteor streams structure
(Andreev G., Ivanikova T.)
Analytical models of meteor trajectories in the atmosphere
(Stulov V.)
A survey of meteoroid orbits obtained by two-station
video observation - review
(Lindblad B.)
Comets 14P/Wolf and D/1892 T1 as another parent bodies of Alpha Capricornids
(Neslusan L.)
Natural remanent magnetization of the Rumanova H5 chondrite
(Orlicky O., Funaki M., Porubcan V.)
The "extraordinary" ordinary L-chondrite Baszkowka (Poland)
(Borucki J., Pilski St.A., Stepniewki M.)
The Fermo meteorite (September 25, 1996): composition and structure
(Cevolani G.)
General discussion
Session 1 (Monday)
Direct Doppler and scattering mechamism studies of meteor
head-echoes using the Arecibo 50/430 MHz radars
(Mathews J.D., Meisel D.D., Janches D., Getman V.S. Zhou Q.-H.)
Destruction of the satellite in atmosphere of the Earth on March 3, 1989
(Gorbanev Yu., Stogneeva I.)
The determination of the heat transfer coefficient for
fragmentating meteoric bodies
(Novikov G.G., Tereshenko A.A.)
The analysis of observation of the meteors accounting the
quasi-continuous fragmentation
(Novikov G.G., Kuznetsov V.L., Nikolaev, A.E.)
Hyperbolic meteors: data and origin
(Andreev G., Kashcheev B., Kolomiets S.)
Are interstellar meteors reality ?
(Kramer Y., Smirnov V.A.)
Change of meteor radiant distribution on celestial hemisphere on the base
of Kazan radar thomography measurements for the all year cycle.
(Sidorov V.V. Stepanov A.M. Filimonova T.K. Konnov A. Le Tuan.)
Orbit parameters distribution of meteors which are nearby the border of
the hyperbolic limitation from radar measurements in Kazan.
(Sidorov V.V. Filimonova T.K.)
The problem of high precision thomography analysis of radar meteor data.
(Sidorov V.V., Kolobanov S.V.Kostilev K.K.)
Meteoroids and their afterglow
(Rajchl J.)
The 557.7 nm emission - two pictures of its developement process
and the head-echo problem
(Rajchl J.)
About a big fireball seen in Honduras
(Borovicka J.)
Some problems of meteor physics
(Tokhtasev V.)
Thermally induced stresses within ablating meteoroids.
(Elford, W.G.)
Radar observations of the eta aquarid meteor stream in 1959 and 1967
(Hanisko P.)
Exposion of large meteoroids in the Earth's atmosphere
(Ibadov S.)
Session 2 (Wednesday)
TV observation of the Leonid meteor shower, 1995-1997
(Suzuki S.)
New radiant areas of the Perseid meteor shower
(Yoshida T., Suzuki S., Suzuki K. and Akelo T.)
TV and radar observations of the 1993 Perseids
(Fujiwara Y., Ueda M., Sugimoto M., Nakamura T., Tsutsumi M.)
TV observations of the 1991 Geminids
(Fujiwara Y., Ueda M.)
Double-station TV observation of the 1991-1996 Leonids
(Ueda M., Fujiwara, Y.)
Detection of meteor showers using MU radar meteor data
(Ueda M., Nakamura T., Tsutsumi T., Watanabe J.)
Plan for monitoring 1998 Leonid shower in China
(Gyangyu L.)
Meteor Storm Simulations and the 1966 Leonids
(S. Molau and H. Luethen)
The variation of mass index's profile along the meteoroid streams
(Berinde S.)
About evolution of many meteoroid streams during secular evolution
of the initial stream
(Makarchuk R.V.)
A check of homogeneity of the orbital parameters of the IAU MDC database
(Neslusan L., Svoren J., Porubcan V.)
Leonid meteor shower: radiant and orbit
(Porubcan V., Cevolani G., Neslusan L., Svoren J.)
Problem of boulders
(Galad A.)
Historical variation in meteor flux as found in the Korean
(Tae-Jin Y., Hasegawa I.)
Changes in the background particle mass distribution index
with orbital characteristics
(Baggaley J.)
Session 3 (Thursday)
The interrelation between some Apollo asteroids and meteor showers
(Obrubov Yu.)
On the possible interrelations between asteroids of P/Schwassman-Wachman 3
(Obrubov Yu., Golitsin I.)
On the detection of meteor showers of asteroidal origin
(Kostolansky E.)
Physical parameters of the comet SL-9 Q2 secondary nucleus, its fireball
in the Jupiter atmosphere and dust tail
(Churyumov K.I., Kleshchonok V.V., Kruchinenko V.G., Reut I.V.)
Integrated influx density on the Earth of space bodies for wide
range of masses
(Kruchinenko V.G.)
Polarization of solar radiation by interplanetary dust
(Krivova N., Mann I.)
The radiation of meteoroids with different composition
(Popova O.P., Nemtchinov I.V., Kosarev I.B.)
On irregular cosmic dust particles in radiation field
(Kocifaj M., Kapisinsky I.)
Evolution of fragile particles in the Solar system
(Tokhtasev V.)
Ultraviolet meteor spectra - a prediction
(Borovicka J.)
TV spectra of shower meteors
(Stork R.)
Photometry of TV meteors
(Koten P.)
Comparing radar and video meteor data
(Koschny D., Chilson P., Knoefel A., Schmidt G.)
Coefficient of meteor plasma radiation
(Smirnov V.A.)
Collision frequency in meteor plasmas
(Foschini L.)
FTIR microspectroscopy of some achondrites and chondrites
(Bukovanska M., Nemec I. and Solc M.)
Last update: June 29, 1998