Dear new user, here are some instructions how to install and run the code SHELLSPEC/ver.49 under Linux. It is distributed in one gzipped and tarred file: shellspec.tar.gz A complete manual can be found in the file shellspec49.pdf (see mainly chapters: compilation, input, output). This manual is an updated version of the original manual published along with some examples in: Budaj, J., Richards, M. 2004, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso, 34, 167 -make the new directory e.g. shell mkdir shell -copy the file into this directory cp shellspec.tar.gz shell/ -go into this directory cd shell -unzip the file: gunzip shellspec.tar.gz -untar the file: tar xvf shellspec.tar (this will extract many files, the most important are: shellspec49.f90 -main fortran source code param.inc49.f90 -fortran include file with dimensation of arrays pfdwor_inc.f90 -fortran include file with partition functions shellspec49.pdf -updated manual) -compile the source code: sh compile -run the example-test calculations with a few examples: sh This will plot the output using gnuplot and compare it with the test output. I would appreciate any your comments, suggestions, feedback or any bug/error reports. With my best wishes, Jan Budaj, Tatranska Lomnica, Oct 14, 2019