Visiting scholar
- Institution
- (period / research topic)
- Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Institute, Warszaw, Poland.
- (2.7.-7.7. 1984 / Summer school of astronomy)
- (16.10.-20.10. 1995 / Invited lecture)
- Astronomical Institute, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun,
- (7.7.-9.7. 1984; 2.2.-23.2. 1986; 23.3.-5.4. 1987 / CH Cyg; EG And)
- Pedagogical high school, Krakow, The Suhora observatory,
- (2.12.-16.12. 1988 / EG And, CH Cyg: observations)
- Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory, Naples, Italy.
- (1.9.-30.9. 1989; 20.11.-20.12. 1991 / EG And)
- (20.11.-20.12. 1995; 1.12.-21.12. 1998 / BF Cyg; AX Per)
- (18.4.-16.5. 2004; 1.10.-24.10. 2006 / Z And, RS Oph)
- Astrophysical Observatory, University of Catania, Catania,
- (22.9.-25.9. 1989 / Invited lecture)
- Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, Padova University, Padova,
- (24.9.-8.10. 1992 / CH Cyg)
- Astrophysical Research Institute, John Moores University, Liverpool,
- (1.11.1992 - 30.10.1993 / CH Cyg: multifreq. obs.)
- (2.9.-9.9. 1994; 23.9.-11.10. 1996 / CH Cyg; BF Cyg)
- (3.11.-13.11. 1999; 15.5.-26.5. 2000 / CH Cyg: HST, VLA, optical)
- (11.6.-23.6. 2001; 30.9.-14.10. 2002 / CH Cyg: HST, VLA radio jets)
- (3.11.-17.11. 2004; 25.11-2.12. 2005 / SEDs; Z And with LT)
- Satelitte Tracking Station, ESA, Villafranca, Madrid, Spain.
- (20.11.-25.11. 1992; 22.5.-27.5. 1993 / IUE obs. programme PI 152)
- Astronomical Institution, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
- (19.3.-20.4. 1996 / CH Cyg, BF Cyg)
- National Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan.
- (16.4.-17.4. 1996 / Invited lecture)
- Astronomical Institute, Erlangen-Nuernberg University, Bamberg,
- (1.3.1997-30.4.1998 / IUE CH Cyg, light curves)
- (01.03.-30.6.1999; 10.8.-27.10.2001 / AX Per; AR Pav; CH Cyg)
- (07.10.-04.11.2008; 22.3.-20.04.2010; 01.04.-30.04.2012 / RS Oph)
- (31.03.-29.04.2014 / Nova Delphini 2013 (V339 Del))
- University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
- (16.3.-28.3. 1998; 19.3.-29.3. 2000 / AR Pav; TX CVn)
- University-Roma3, Roma, Italy.
- (5.5. 2004 / Invited lecture)