CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 49, No.: 1, year: 2019
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Skopal, A.; Komžík, R.
Title: Editorial
pages: 5 -- 6
Author(s): Huang, C.-Y.
Title: Estimating the black hole mass of NGC 1313 X-1 based on the spectral and timing properties
pages: 7 -- 18
Author(s): Sekeráš, M.; Skopal, A.; Shugarov, S.; Shagatova, N.; Kundra, E.; Komžík, R.; Vrašťák, M.; Peneva, S.P.; Semkov, E.; Stubbings, R.
Title: Photometry of Symbiotic Stars - XIV
pages: 19 -- 66