CAOSP articles, Volume: 8, year: 1979
Available articles:
Author(s): Rybansky, M.
Title: The reduced intensities of the coronal line 530.3 nm observed at Mt. Lomnicky stit, 1965-1970
pages: 7 -- 40
Author(s): Rybansky, M.
Title: Coronal index of the solar activity Ia, 1971
pages: 41 -- 69
Author(s): Porubcan, V.; Stohl, J.
Title: Observations of the Geminids 1974 at the Skalnate Pleso Observatory. Intercosmos program
pages: 71 -- 80
Author(s): Hajduk, A.; Simek, M.
Title: Observations of the Orionids 1974
pages: 81 -- 87
Author(s): Porubcan, V.
Title: Clustering of particles within meteor streams
pages: 89 -- 96
Author(s): Kapisinsky, I.
Title: On some problems of micrometeorite detection
pages: 97 -- 104
Author(s): Svoren, J.
Title: Secular variations in the absolute brightness of short-period comets
pages: 105 -- 140
Author(s): Tremko, J.
Title: The three colour photoelectric observations of the pulsating variable W CVn
pages: 141 -- 157
Author(s): Tremko, J.; Papousek, J.; Vetesnik, M.
Title: Photoelectric photometry of close binary system MY Cygni
pages: 159 -- 202